Sunday, July 13, 2014

Specialization: Discussion Question

Explain why investment in education or specialization in learning how to  help others increases earning power.

Marginal Analysis: Discussion Question

Why is the price of diamonds so much greater than the price of water? Does marginal analysis help provide the answer?

Incentives: Discussion Question

Suppose you are taking a class and the teacher announces that all students will receive the same grade at the end of the term. How would this influence a students’ incentive to study and master the material? If teachers want their students to learn the course material, do they have a strong incentive to establish a close relationship between performance and the grade earned? Explain.

Supply and Demand Matching Cards

Cut Out Matching Cards

Change in Demand due to
A shift in demand to the right (Increase in demand)
A shift in demand due to the left (Decrease in demand)
An increase in consumer income
A fall in consumer income
A rise in the price of substitutes
A fall in the price of substitutes
A fall in the price of complements
A rise in the price of complements
A positive change in tastes and fashion
A negative change in tastes and fashion

Change in supply due to
A shift in supply to the right (Increase in supply)
A shift in supply to the left (Decrease in supply)
A fall in raw material costs
An increase in the cost of raw materials
An improvement in labour efficiency
An increase in labour costs
A reduction in the rate of indirect taxation
An increase in the rate of indirect taxation
A positive technological advance
A failed technological advance

Current Events

Each week you will be required to complete a blog post about a current event and how it relates to Economics.
  1. Choose a newspaper (paper or online news source) and find an article that appeals to you and is related to Economics. Article should be at least 4 paragraphs long and have enough "meat" to it that you can summarize the article and add your own opinion to it. You must include a link to the article in your blog post.  *** NO sports, entertainment, gossip or advertisement kinds of articles.*** 
  2. Read the article to make sure you understand what it is talking about. Take time to talk about the article with someone at home as this is a good way to make sure you are clear as to what the article is all about. 
  3. Write a paragraph (6-7 sentences) summarizing the article. Be sure you have factual information included in your summary. Make sure you state where you found your article (which newspaper / online source). 
  4. Write a paragraph (6-7 sentences) with your opinion on the article. What did you think about the article? If the article made you feel a certain way, share your thoughts.  Use vocabulary that you have learned in your Economics class.